Following our weekly #engchat, the archive of the conversation will be posted here. If you miss the dialogue, please check this page, thanks!
(moderator: @budtheteacher Topic: Considering the pauses in our digital writing life) See also: and
)June 20 2011.pdf (moderators: @magpete55 @SonOfOdin0913 @emsingleton Topic: How will you grow this summer?)
June 13 2011.pdf (moderators: @KyleneBeers & @bobprobst topic: adolescent literacy)
June 6 2011.pdf (moderator: @SafeSchoolsNow topic: working towards creating safe spaces for all our students)
May 30, 2011.pdf (moderator: @janineutell topic: discussion as a mode of teaching and learning)
May 23, 2011.pdf (moderators: @gwynethjones @dmcordell @emsingleton topic: Ban the book report!)
May 16 2011.pdf (moderator: @kimmcollum topic: working with struggling writers)
May 9 2011.pdf (moderator: @thereadingzone topic: Using technology to grow readers + writers)
May 2, 2011.pdf (moderator: @alesnick / @BICOEDUCATION topic: When/how do you and your students play with language?)
April 25 2011.pdf (moderator: @frankisibberson topic: What does it mean to be literate today?)
April 18, 2011.pdf (moderator: @RdngTeach topic: Building our classroom libraries)
April 11, 2011.pdf (moderator: @dianeravitch topic: The Death & Life of Great American Schools)
April 4 2011.pdf (moderator: @gmfunk topic: Out of the Desk & Into the Text. Performance pedagogy)
March 28 2011.pdf (moderator: @joelmalley topic: writing and filmmaking and multimodal composition in your class)
March 21, 2011.pdf (moderator: @chadsansing topic: Game-based-learning in the English classroom)
March 14 2011 #engsschat.pdf (moderator: @cybaryman1 topic: collaborative #engchat/#sschat about cross-curricular teaching)
Todaysmeet archive March 7 2011.pdf March 7 2011.pdf (moderators: @donalynbooks and @paulwhankins topic: reading workshop in secondary classroom)
February 28, 2011.pdf February 28, 2011 TwapperKeeper Version.pdf (moderator: @TheNerdyTeacher topic: PBL) See also his blog at
February 21, 2011.pdf (moderator: @NBPTS topic: National Board Certification)
February 14 2011.pdf (moderator: @skajder topic: Digital Storytelling in Secondary Ed Classrooms) See also her post at
February 7 2011 TweetChat Archive.pdf February 7 2011 Today's Meet Archive.pdf (moderator: @yaloveblog topic: creating YA lit class) See also the following documents that Sarah was kind enough to share: Young Adult Literature Syllabus.pdf Young Adult Literature Curriculum.pdf Trimester Project.pdf
January 31, 2011.pdf (moderator: @spillarke topic: gradual release of responsibility model)
January 24, 2011.pdf (moderator: @mrchase topics: What non traditional tools do you use in the classroom? What are examples of the best writing assignments you've created in the last year? What are examples of the best reading assignments you've created in the last year? What kind of writer are you? What kind of reader are you? How do you insure your students have choice in the classroom? How many minutes did your students spend engaged in reading in the last week? How many minutes did your students spend engaged in writing in the last week?)
January 17 2011.pdf (moderators: @shannonmmiller, @TheNerdyTeacher, and @shawnhyervm topic: cross-country collaboration)
January 10 2011.pdf (moderator: @feministteacher topic: gender, women's, LGBT studies in English classes)
January 3 2011.pdf (moderator: @hickstro topic: What's happening in your digital writing workshop?) Pre-chat blog post: and post-chat blog post:
December 27, 2010.pdf (moderator: @cakeypal topic: designing units in an age of scripted curriculum)
December 20 2010.pdf (moderator: @SarahWessling topic: teaching with a model of integrated modes of literacy)
December 13, 2010.pdf (moderator: @danamhuff topic: authentic assessment)
December 6, 2010.pdf (moderators: @mrami2 and @CBethM topic: revision and student writers)
November 29, 2010.pdf (moderator: @ProfessorNana topic: reading resources)
November 22 2010.pdf (moderator: @buffyjhamilton topic: transliteracy)
November 15 2010.pdf (moderator: @GradingGirl topic: evaluating & tracking feedback on student writing)
November 8 2010.pdf (moderator: @writer topic: participant question-driven about writing instruction)
engchat archive November 3 through 7 2010.pdf
November 1 2010.pdf (moderators: @mrami2 and @aleaness topic: What's working and isn't working in our classrooms?)
engchat archive October 26 thru 31 2010.pdf
October 25 2010.pdf (moderator: @SLazarOtC topic: Interdisciplinary connections)
engchat archive October 19 thru 24 2010.pdf
October 18 2010.pdf (moderator: @eliza_peterson topic: Integrating the arts into ELA classroom) - see also Elizabeth Peterson's website
engchat archive October 12 thru 17 2010.pdf
October 11 2010.pdf (moderator: @AtlTeacher topic: Cooperative learning assignments vs group work)
engchat archive October 5 thru 10 2010.pdf
October 4 2010.pdf (moderator: @msstewart topic: Creating Cross-Curricular Experiences) - see also Meredith Stewart's blog post (Cross discussion with #sschat)
engchat archive September 28 thru October 3 2010.pdf
September 27 2010.pdf (moderators: @AndreaZellner and @poh topic: Common Core Standards) - see also Andrea Zellner's blog post
engchat archive September 21 thru 26 2010.pdf
September 20 2010.pdf (moderator: @alansitomer topic: project-based learning, morale, PD)
engchat archive September 14 thru 20 2010.pdf
September 13 2010.pdf (moderator: @TeachMoore topic: Teaching Grammar Through Writing)
engchat archive September 7 thru 13 2010.pdf
September 6 2010.pdf (moderator: @LauraNicosia topic: YA Lit Bridges to Canon) - Also look here: @LauraNicosia's and @ProfessorNana's Reading Ladders wiki:
engchat archive August 31 thru September 5 2010.pdf
August 30 2010 engchat archive - technology.pdf (moderator: @danamhuff topic: integrating technology into English classroom)
engchat archive August 24 thru 29 2010.pdf
August 23 2010 creating classroom communities.pdf (moderators: @sapereaude & @cbethm topic: creating classroom communities)
engchat archive August 17 thru 22 2010.pdf (I have been told that will be offering their own archive/searchable database. Just not yet.)
August 16 2010 #engchat.xlsx Todaysmeet archive August 16 2010 #engchat.pdf (moderator: @sapereaude topic: vocabulary instruction)
August 11 thru August 15 2010 #engchat tweets.xlsx (since I cannot archive - this archive would have all the links...)
August 9 2010.pdf (moderator: @englishcomp topic: elements of effective instruction Jim Burke - the ten elements of effective instruction.pdf )
August 2 2010.pdf (moderator: @sapereaude)
HOW TO CREATE #ENGCHAT ARCHIVE POST.pdf (Just in case anyone else needs to take over posting these archives, I have created directions on how to do so.)
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