

This version was saved 14 years, 1 month ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Cindy Minnich
on November 29, 2010 at 9:52:56 pm

#engchat occurs every Monday at 7 PM EST.

Follow @mrami2  and @CBethM to see weekly topics!


What is #engchat?

#engchat is a real-time opportunity to discuss topics related to the practice of teaching English at all grade levels. All educators are welcome to participate. We meet Mondays at 7 pm EST on Twitter to pool our collective wisdom under the hashtag #engchat. You can check out our archives here, but we would love to have you join the conversation! Under the pages links, you will find a calendar of upcoming topics and guest-moderators and a page for you to suggest future topics for #engchat!  Those of you who have already joined #engchat, we would like to thank you for helping to build a community of English teachers on Twitter. 


To take part in #engchat:

You will definitely need a Twitter account. If you don't have one then click here.
To find #engchat tweets during #engchat, use one of the tools listed below:



If you miss #engchat you can find the archive here.  You may also want to check out the #engchat Daily Paper which contains links, resources, blog posts complied by all #engchat users.    

If you have any feedback on how to improve any aspect of #engchat, feel free to connect with us on twitter.


Meenoo - @mrami2

Cindy - @CBethM 



Moderators and Guest Moderators of #engchat: 


















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